Sam & Kasey: A Surprise Proposal | Wasena Park, Roanoke Virginia | Virginia Proposal Photographer

If there's anything that I love more than photographing couples, it's photographing them with their pups! Prior to Sam & Kasey's mini session, I had no idea who they were, how they met or what they looked like. Kasey had reached out to me in hopes for a mini session with their pups right before the holidays. Little did we know, Sam had another plan. 

If you can't tell, it was a chilly day. The clouds blanketed the sky like a down comforter which doesn't seem like a pretty day but for photographers, this is the weather we prefer for the colors to pop! Because the pups were so excited, we needed a little encouragement to make them pay attention so Kasey ran to the car to grab some peanut better. While standing beside Sam, I'm actively scouting for locations & I hear "Pssst. Pssst. Cough, cough.....I have a ring with me".


Yes, Sam's mother had a ring in her purse & they were ready for this moment! Sam was going to hold off until another day but, he could tell the pups were not cooperating & this was the perfect thing to cheer Kasey up. Therefore, we made a code phrase & when I said "last pose", this was Sam's cue. We started off on the bridge at Wasena Park to provide some rustic, textured shots with their pups while also grabbing a couple pictures of just the two of them. I tried to capture Kasey & Sam in their element before the surprise proposal. The situational irony was killing me but at the same time, oh so fun to play with! We finally decided that our mini session had come to a close but there was one more spot I really wanted to photograph before we truly called it a wrap. At Wasena Park, there are these overgrown (non-serviced) railroad tracks that are simply magical for photographs and what better place to be proposed to than this? "Okay Sam, last pose".......and down on one knee he went! The screaming, the laughter & the smiles to follow were just some of the perks of photographing proposals but the way they looked at each other after this moment is the best reason of all. No longer in a relationship but, in a commitment for life. Congratulations Sam & Kasey - may every event in your lives be just a entertaining as this one.